The Swiss Jura sheep
The Swiss Jura sheep, native to the French-speaking part of Switzerland, has a very dense, fine wool with almost merino-like properties.

The colour of the Swiss Jura sheep
The wool of the Swiss Jura sheep is merino-like. The colour of the Jura sheep's wool is uniformly black, brown or elb (beige). We process the wool undyed in its natural colour.

The properties of Swiss Jura sheep wool
The wool of the Swiss Jura sheep is densely closed, the wool hairs are balanced and have almost merino character. The length of the individual hairs is approx. 5-10 cm.

The origin of the Swiss Jura sheep
The Swiss Jura sheep is one of six recognised sheep breeds in Switzerland. One of its direct ancestors was the Frutig sheep and the Roux de Bagnes breed from the Valais, which contributed to the emergence of the black-brown colour.

The physical characteristics of the Swiss Jura sheep
The Jura sheep, also called Elbschaf, is a medium-sized Swiss mountain sheep. The wool coat is uniformly blackish brown or elb brown. The head of the Schqeizer Jura sheep is hornless. The ears are medium long and protruding. Another characteristic of the Swiss Jura sheep are the unwooled, shiny black or brown legs. The males weigh between 80-130 kg and the females between 65-100 kg. Shearing of the sheep takes place twice a year. The wool yield is 3.5-4 kg for males and 3-3.5 kg for females.