Felt coaster round

Filz-Untersetzer aus 100% Schurwolle
Langlebiger Wollfilz

Natürlich & nachhaltig produziert

Made in Tirol
Our round felt coasters combine elegance and functionality and are the perfect addition to any home. These high-quality coasters protect the dining table from scratches, stains and heat, while adding a stylish touch to the table setting. The high-quality felt outer material is hard-wearing and durable. When designing our felt coasters, we opted for a modern and timeless design that suits any interior. Our round felt coasters are available with a diameter of 10 cm and 30 cm and can be used as coasters for glasses, cups, vases and small bowls. Felt coasters are particularly easy to clean, durable and robust. We make our round felt coasters by hand in our factory in Tyrol, Austria.
Yarn from sheep
We only use natural new wool from sheep. Virgin wool is the shorn wool from live sheep. The wool is felted in our factory in Tyrol, Austria, without the use of any chemicals. In this way, we reduce the environmental impact to a minimum. Gottstein stands for a nature-loving and home-loving manufacturer who is prepared to take responsibility for our environment. The guiding principle of our company has always been a quote from Charles Darwin: "Anything that is against nature will not last in the long run".As a family business from Austria, we have been working for generations only with materials that nature has given us. In addition to our fine virgin wool, we use natural materials such as natural cork, natural latex and vegetable-tanned leather for the production of our felt slippers.
Hint: You have an intermediate size?
Choose the bigger one. Size Chart